The data you provide on our website contributes to better provision of our services, making it increasingly targeted to the needs and information that users seek.
Your data is requested through a registration or contact form when you wish to receive/access more information about our services or be assisted in some way. Or, by registering to receive a newsletter (when available on the website), in which we can send information relating to the company and other topics that may be of interest.
Information Security
We consider the information of users of our website important and confidential. We collect personal information such as name, telephone number, email and other information when voluntarily provided through contact or registration forms. Under no circumstances will this information be shared, published or sold. Unless we are required by law, process or determination of authorities, to do so to preserve the safety of other users or identify a crime.
All data is properly stored in a secure database with access restricted to a few employees, who are contractually obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the information, as well as not use it inappropriately.
We always take appropriate administrative and technical precautions to protect all information against theft, loss, improper alteration, or disclosure.
About Cookies
Cookies are information sent by servers to help identify IP, user identification and facilitate navigation. This technology aims to improve the understanding of user behavior on the website, helping to measure the effectiveness of campaigns, surveys, as well as for internal control of audience and preferences.
Whether or not to accept cookies can be freely changed in your browser settings.
Other Clarifications
For any clarifications about our Privacy Policy, please contact us on our page.
We may make rectifications and changes to this Privacy Policy whenever necessary. This document does not create any contractual link between the website and the user.
Our website may contain links to external websites and it is important to inform you that we do not have access to the information collected by them. Therefore, it is important and your responsibility to consult the Privacy Policy of each of them.